Board Meeting Agenda


January 24, 2023


7:12 PM


Sheyleen Pfeiffer, Leon Pfeiffer, Nancy Muzyka (virtual), Gary Biasini, Bill Teeple, Cathy Fuhr



1. Call to Order at 7:12

2. Approval of Agenda and Meeting Minutes from December 13, 2022 (Motion by Cathy and second by Bill - passed)

3. Website Update:

- Pixel Army is not providing the information to move the platform - as soon as it is received the new website will go ahead 

4. Treasurer’s Report:

-Balance as of December $52,239.87

-Expenses in 2022 $61,680.92

- Reserve Fund - at maturity ($271,473.94)

- Attempting to consolidate the funds 

- Considering moving to another bank

5. Administrator’s Report:

- 17 members left to pay

- XXX - sale gone through and we expect an e-transfer (688.48 plus legal fees)

- XXX - two years in arrears

- XXXX - not sure if the Board has responded to enquiry of homeowner

- SOP - proposal

- December 1 - first notice

- January 1 - second notice

- February 1 - notice saying payment must be received by April 1 and if not received the referred to a lawyer or collection agency

- Standard letter/response to anyone expressing concerns or inability to pay

- Consult with lawyer as to what steps we should take after April 1 - legal response or collection agency.  A legal response may have more impact.

6. Fence Update/Fence Committee:

- Nothing to report 

7. New Business:

A. Schedule/Policy for invoice notifications and reminders

See comments under Administrator’s Report

B. Collections after final notice

See comments under Administrator’s Report

C. Neighbourhood Watch

- We currently do not have a neighbourhood watch

- Neighbourhood Watch - several programs (stickers/walking program whereby you log your route so if a crime in the area they can review the logs to determine if there are any witnesses/new seniors’ program)

- In order to be involved we need a neighbourhood watch ambassador - Nancy will be the contact

- What to look for, report to who and when

D. Budget 2023

- Motion to increase Administrator’s fee from 2,400 to 3,000 (Motion by Bill, second by Cathy and passed)

- Enquiry of Bombini Brothers re Tower and two brick posts (bricks at bottom need to be repaired)

E. Reserve Fund

- Will be getting an engagement letter

- Expect the cost to be $850.00

F. Development for H. Drive (was it registered?)

- Waiting for information from Gary

7. Next Meeting Date and Location : March 13, 2023

8. Motion to adjourn - Cathy, Bill seconded (unanimous)

9. Subsequent Business:

- Motion by Nancy - After a homeowner has been issued three notifications of annual dues payment, December 1, January 1 and the final notice on February 1, and the dues remain unpaid as of April 1 of the given year, the Administrator will direct the lawyer acting on behalf of ERHA to issue a demand letter for payment of the annual dues.